Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

First Experience used Public Transportation

That day was Sunday, May 22, 2011. Very nice day,, although in my home in Blitar, rain was happened in the morning just a moment. Hari itu rencananya aku mau datang ke resepsi pernikahannya teman kuliahku, Mbak Ulfa dan Mas Romi, alih jenjang dari UB (pake bahasa Indonesia aja ya, biar cepet selesai,hehehehe…).  Rasanya ada asam, manis, asin, pahit, dan lain2,, pokoknya kayak nano2 wes..
Jadi begini, tgl 21 Mei nya (hari sabtu) aku pulang ke Blitar bersama bu EEP, temenku sekelas di UM. Kita berdua nebeng pak Dhe ku dari singosari,,hehe Lumayan, dapet gratisan,, kalo  naik motor capeknya itu lo aq yg males,, soale hari minggu q udah harus balik ke malang lagi,, ada tugas penting dan seninnya aku ada Ujian KIMIA FISIKA,,%#$^?&%$$#&*@&^*%. So, akhirnya aku sampai di rumah tercinta in Blitar city at 5pm.

Besoknya jam stengah 9 aku sudah otw ke tulungagung, menuju ke rumahnya bu Eep di Rejo Agung. Setelah bungkus2 kado, kita berangkat jam 11 ke tempat resepsi di NGUNUT, dan,,,,,, kita terlambat datang 1,5 jam,hehehe… nyampek sana sudah pidato terakhir habis itu pengajian dan do’a,,haha Maklum pengalaman resepsi pertama, jadi wajar kalo salah konsep, kirain resepsi yang datang, salaman, makan, pulang,hehehehe.  setelah acara take a picture with manten berdua selesai,, akhirnya kita otw ke stasiun Ngunut.. Akhirnya kita sampai di stasiun dan ternyata keretanya udah berangkat,, 

Tapi kita pantang menyerah, trus kita daki gunungnya dan… (loh..?? kok jadi ngiklan gini,,) lanjut,, jadi kita kejar kereta ini ke stasiun rejotangan, dan sampai di sana,, keretanya baru berangkat, hikz hikz,,, alhasil kita nyegat bis di depan stasiun rejotangan.  Di sana ada ibu2 juga, waktu kita Tanya keretanya sudah berangkat apa belum kata ibunya, “baru saja berangkat mbak,, mungkin selisih 5 menit sama pas sampean turun dari mobil tadi” glodak glodak,, kereta sial,, kok tidak nunggu aku dulu to,,perjuangan di lanjutkan,, setelah kita dapet bis, kita turun di stasiun patria Blitar dan ganti bis,, supaya cept, g nunggu kelamaan ( saran dari seorang teman yang belum kenal juga namanya,haha…  ) setelah dapet bis akhirnya kita langsung OTW ke Malang. Dan bisnya lumayan cepet,, sopirnya lumayan enak kalo dibanding kelasnya sopir bis lainnya, lumayan anteng,, ngebut tapi tetep nyaman (soale tak tinggal tidur,haha) bangun2 udah nyampek karangkates, bangun sebentar trus tidur lagi, bangun lagi nyampek kepanjen.  Di kepanjen ada pengamen yang naik, lagunya tapi enak bgt lo,. Bikinan sendiri dan kata2nya itu sangat penuh makna, lupa lengkapnya kayak apa, tapi ada yg nyangkut2 dengan persamaan gender, Kalo dulu wanita Cuma bisa masak, manak, dan macak., sekarang cewek sudah bisa jadi polisi, insinyur, bahkan presiden. Lek menurutku sebenarnya pengamen2 itu bisa diberdayakan. Jika mereka suka menyanyi, maka kita bisa kembangkan. Tetp dengan konsep mengamen namun dengan format yg berbeda. Kayaknya bisa jadi PKM-M ini,hahaha…

Sampai di kota Malang,, wuih,,, bingung,, ke suhat mau naik apa. Akhirnya pas turun disuruh sama orang naik AG dulu, trus di SMP 5 ganti angkot ABG. Dan akhirnya dengan khawatir kesasar, aku bisa nyampek rumah di Jalan Karet no. 5 dengan sehat wal’afiat tanpa kurang suatu apapun. Pengalaman pertama naik  public transportation, harus on time,. Tapi dulu pas aku on time keretanya yg telat, Jadi intinya jadwal kita bisa berantakan kalo naik public transportation, (lebih tepatnya jadwalku kali ya,hehehe) soalnya memang g kebiasaan naik public transportation, sehingga waktu mau pulang ke Blitar atau malang  bisa sesuka hati. Lek sudah pengen pulang, langsung aja geber si Merah. Beres,. Waktu ada di tangan kita. Mau mampir ke mana aja pun bebas,,hehehe  (memang pernah mampir kemana??? Lawong lek pulang atau berangkat mesti kayak diuber setan,hahaha. Dan Akhirnya setelah mandi ku tulis pengalaman ini di leptopku tersayang “Slamet”, dan rencananya mau di publish ke blog ku. TApi belum tau kapan,. Besok ujian kimfis#$*%*(*&$$^&*^ cuy,, jadi belum tau kapan. Yang jelas habis ini makan, trus mungkin belajar, dan sangat mungkin tidur,hehehehe.. bye bye,, thanks for reading.

Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

Error Experiment

Ini foto yg ku ambil saat praktikum kimia anorganik, lupa tepatnya praktikum apa,hehehe,,.. Maklum, belajarnya pre test kan 15 menit sbelum dilakukan,, jadi setelah pre test ya bablas angine semua.

Jadi ceritanya begini,, itu foto diambil di dalam lemari asam. Kalo g salah itu membandingkan reaksi garam "apa" dengan basa. Ada amonia encer dan pekat, sodium hidroksida. Gara2 belajarnya hemat waktu banget, akhirnya pas praktikum jadi salah tafsir. Tak kirain setelah ditambah amonia encer dan pekat langsung di tambah natrium hidroksida,, eh ternyata ketiga2 nya di taruh di tabung reaksi yg berbeda terus baru di compare hasilnya,ckckck.. pantesan kok sampai horror banget asapnya yg keluar. Untung aja g sampai mbledug kayak kompor gas jaman sekarang,hehehe

Jadi kesimpulan yang didapat, kalo mau praktikum itu dibaca beneran petunjuk praktikumnya. Jangan asal2an aja,. kalo perlu dihafal dan dimengerti semua. Bahaya banget kerja di lab tanpa persiapan, sangat membahayakan. Bukan hanya diri sendiri tapi juga orang lain,. termasuk pak rektor, kalo sampai beneran mbleduk,, gimana coba?? masak jurusan kimia g punya gedung?? well,, maaf beribu maaf saya haturkan kepada bapaj dosen dan mbak2 asdos. Maafkan anak bimbbinganmu ini yang agak ndablek, semoga segera diberi petunjuk dan kembali ke jalan yang benar. Amien.

Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

About This Blog,

Lama tidak up-date blog ini ya,, setelah beberapa kali ku baca,, isinya blog ini aneh juga.. Katanya Rahayu Chemistry,, harusnya ya isinya kebanyakan tentang kimia,, eh malahan...
ada contoh laporan,, tapi malah laporan fisika,,  ada tentang pendidikan,, tapi tentang psikologi pendidikan.. Kimianya juga tentang hal yang masih umum,,hahaha
ya,, itulah inovasi,, atau malah bingung ya namanya,, tidak konsisten dengan judulnya,,
But,, apalah arti sebuah judul,, yang enting kan isinya ya,, masalahnya itu,, isinya juga g jelas,hehehe

Well,, nothing is perfect, dan seperti itulah blog ini. Namanya juga masih belajar ya,, tetap mencoba konsisten ngisi blog ini aja, saya rasa, kalitas akan mengikuti ketika kuantitas sudah cukup. The Law of Exercise, menurut teori belajar dan pembelajaran Thorndike, belajar perlu pengulangan dan pelatihan secara kontinu agar didpatkan hasil yang maksimal.haha.. Baru ujian ini,, jadi masih agak sedikit nempel di otak,...

Namun yg jelas isi dari blog ini adalah tempat share apa yg aku pikirkan,, meskipun aku orang kimia, tentu saja aku harus memikirkan yg lain juga. Impossible bgt kalo hidup hanya berkutat sekitar kimia. Banyak interesting side from this live that we found that,, make ur live never flat.  but,, one thing that you must remember,, although tjere're many interesting side,, Chemistry is the most interesting one,hehehe tetep ideologi kimianya keluar,,,... oke,, see you later everybody,, thanks for reading..

Minggu, 08 Mei 2011



I.             PURPOSE
a.       Can understand about heat, heat capacity of matter, and matter specific heat
b.      Can determine the heat capacity of calorimeter and specific heat of solid matter.
c.       Can understand the using of calorimeter set, thermometer, error theory, and equipment error.

Heat is energy transferred from one object to another object which caused by the differences of temperature. Heat flow from the system with higher temperature to the system with lower temperature.
Every matter has different amount of heat to increase their temperature in certain amount of this matter. The comparison of the amount of heat needed by a matter to increase their temperature as DT is called C heat capacity of a matter.
If the heat capacity and calorimeter is known, calorimeter can use to determine the specific heat of a matter. The main factor which must be pay attention in this experiment of using calorimeter is take care the calorimeter system in isolated condition maximally.

1.      Thermometer
2.      Calorimeter set and stirring rod
3.      Thermometer and protector vessel.
4.      Beaker glass 100 ml
5.      Bunsen lamp
6.      Heating vessel
7.      2 solid matter
8.      Water
9.      Analytic weight
10.  Matches
11.  Clamper tong
12.  Alcohol lamp
13.  Tripod and gauze

A.    1st experiment (Determine the heat capacity of calorimeter)
1.      Prepare the equipment and materials that needed
2.      Arrange the calorimeter set and prepare to heat the water
3.      Weight + 50 gram water and record it as Map. Then heat the water until the temperature is 500 C
4.      Weight + 50 gram water which has lower temperature than room temperature. Then put in the calorimeter and record the mass as Mad
5.      Observe the thermometer then record the initial equilibrium of cold water and calorimeter as t.
6.      Take the water which heated and put it quickly to calorimeter then record the temperature as t2.
7.      The mixture of cold water and heat water stir slowly while observe the change of temperature which showed by temperature. After the temperature is stable and the temperature nearly decrease, record the temperature as t3.
8.      Throw the water in calorimeter and dry the calorimeter.
9.      Repeat the procedure number 3 until 10 for 3 times.
10.  Record the data which get in experiment sheet which  available.

B.     2nd experiment (Determine the specific heat of solid substance)
1.      Take the solid matter which available, weight the mass + 100 gram then put it in heating vessel.
2.      Heat the solid matter until the temperature is 800C
3.      Repeat the procedure in experiment 1 and change the heat water by the solid substance.
4.      Take the record of the data in experiment sheet which available.

1st Experiment
Mad (gram)
Map (gram)
t1 0C
Information :
Mad        : The mass of cold water
Map        : The mass of heat water
t1             : equilibrium temperature of calorimeter and cold water
t2             : The temperature of heat water when put in calorimeter
t3             : The equilibrium temperature of calorimeter, cold water, and heat water.

2nd Experiment
Mad (gram)
Map (gram)
t1 0C
Information :
Mad        : The mass of cold water
Map        : The mass of heat solid matter
t1             : equilibrium temperature of calorimeter and cold water
t2             : The temperature of heat solid matter when put in calorimeter
t3             : The equilibrium temperature of calorimeter, cold water, and heat solid matter.

1st Experiment
Mad (gram)
Map (gram)
t1 (0C)
t2 (0C)
t3 (0C)
C cal (cal/g

Ø  Determine the Calorimeter Capacity
ca = 1 cal/gram 0C

The measurement of CK is influenced by the measurement of Map, Mad, t1,t2,t3 so the propagation error is appeared. In this experiment all independent variable measure once (single measurement), so the each error number determine by the equipment error number.
To;    Map                DMap = 0,01 gram
         Mad                 DMad = 0,01 gram
         t1                      Dt1= 0.5 x 10C =0,50C
         t2                      Dt2= 0.5 x 10C =0,50C
         t3                      Dt3= 0.5 x 10C =0,50C

From formula above, we get the differential as below:
 , consider the data result above from experiment 1
   = 1,74 cal/g0C
             cal g-1 0C-1
                     =7,08 cal g-1 0C-1
                      = 4,07 cal g-1 0C-1                   
                              to determine the differential t3, take for instance there are 2 functions:
            U = Ma.Ca(t2-t­3­)
            V = (t­3-t1)
            Then we used the formula:
                                          = 0,14 cal g-1 0C
          = 2,72 Cal g-1 0C-1
To determine the average value of CK can be calculated use the weight average formula:
 Cal g-1 0C-1
 Cal g-1 0C-1
            Based on calculation above, we can know the result of Cu and DCu, so we can know the propagation error of calorimeter by indirect calculation in single measurement. So, we can get the value of calorimeter capacity:
               Cal g-1 0C-1
            Relative error value:
             (3 angka penting)

            The data of C cal calculation:
                    = 16,713
                    = -14,87
        = 21,61

2nd Experiment
Determine the Specific Heat of Solid Substance (cb)
Mad (gr)
Mb (gr)
T1 (0C)
T2 (0C)
T3 (0C)
Cb (cal g-1‑ 0C

The formula to determine Cb
Error theory which used to calculate the specific heat of solid matter (copper) error is:
ü  Equipment Error
∆ mad       : 0,01 g                                    mb       : 100,41 g
∆ t1           : 0,5 x 1 = 0,50C                      s mb     : 0,025 g
∆ t2           : 0,50C                                     C cal    : 43,87
∆ t3           : 0,50C                                     ∆ C cal            : 6,67
The differential of ∆ Cb formula which get and the example from data number 1.
              = -0,37
            = 0,02
              = 0,0265

ü  Rambat Error
        =1,24.10-1 Cal g-1 0C-1
        =0,124 Cal g-1 0C-1
     Cb2=1,599.10-1 Cal g-1 0C-1
     Cb3= 9,693.10-2 Cal g-1 0C-1
Mean C is got by the weight mean formula:
     = 3,936.10-2
The mean variation (Ckb)
Formula to determine cb ia explained before, so that value is:
            Cb1=0,125 Cal g-1 0C-1
                Cb2=1,608 Cal g-1 0C-1
                Cb3=0,098 Cal g-1 0C-1
                Rambat error of Cb, determine by weight mean formula is:
                      = 3,976.10-2  Cal g-1 0C-1
            Based on the data above, we can determine the relative error value is:

1)                  -    Heat is flow of energy that can move from a matter with high temperature to a    matter with lower temperature when 2 of matter have a contact. Heat movement will occurred until 2 matter have equilibrium temperature (thermal temperature).
-          Heat is flow of energy that can move from a matter with high temperature to a matter with lower temperature when 2 of matter have a contact. Heat movement will occurred until 2 matter have equilibrium temperature (thermal temperature).
-          Temperature is hot or cold condition of a matter.
-          Specific heat of a matter is the amount of heat needed to increase the temperature in every mass unit of matter in every unit of temperature change.
-          Heat capacity of matter is the amount of heat needed to increase temperature of matter in every unit of temperature change.
2)      The measure of heat capacity in calorimeter is based on “Black Principle” so it doesn’t use the measure of calorimeter specific heat.
3)      To determine the specific heat of a matter in mixing method, the specific heat of a matter which heated until certain temperature (t2) must known first. Then put it in calorimeter which has fill by cold water with t1 temperature. This mixing will produce the equilibrium temperature (t3). The factor that must be pay attention in using this method is must be in adiabatic condition. It means that there is no heat flow which go in and out of the system. So, me must avoid all phenomena which bigger the possibility of heat exchange between calorimeter system and the environment.
4)      Based on the data which get, the solid matter is copper which has specific heat is 390 J/kg or 0,09 cal/g 0C. But, if we compare this value with the measure of matter specific heat in this experiment, we get the value of matter specific heat (3,976­+4,836) cal/kg K. The significant difference value of copper specific heat is caused by mistake in measurement. So, it needs high carefulness in this experiment.
5)      Based on 1st experiment in determine the heat capacity of calorimeter we get the relative value 15,2%. In this experiment, we always repeat the observation in several times. We also do that in 2nd experiment to determine the specific heat of solid matter (copper) and get relative value 12,2%.
6)      It is allowed to assumed that specific heat of water is constant during the experiment as long there no influence from outside environment. And the temperature of water is must be lower than room temperature. It’s formulated as:
Specific heat of a matter beside based on the number of increasing temperature, it also can be known by the number of  absorbed heat or absorb heat and the mass of matter.

c =                   Q = m . c . Dt

Information :
Q      : Absorbed heat or absorb heat (joule)
m      : Mass of a matter (kg)
c       : Specific heat of matter (J/kg 0C)
Dt     : Change of temperature of matter (K)

Heat capacity of a matter is equal with the amount of heat which needed and the change of temperature. Systematically, it is written as:

         Q = C.Dt
Because of  Q = m . c . Dt, so:
         c  = heat capacity (JK-1)
         C = specific heat of matter
In movement of heat obtain Black Principle, “ The amount of heat release of a matter (Q1) equal with the amount of heat absorbed by the other matter (Q2)”

                                 Q1 = Q2
                     m. c1.Dt1  = m . c2 . Dt2

1.      If the volume of water in calorimeter compare than the mass of solid matter which put in it is too much, so the temperature of t1 will too large and the t2 is constant, so the value of t3 will nearly same with the value of t1. The differences t3 and t2 will be so small. So, the movement of heat is difficult to observed. The 2nd possibility, the specific heat of solid matter > specific heat liquid matter.

2.      Known:
Mb = 100 gram                    t1= 00C                                    Cb= 0,04 cal/g0C
Mad= 400 gram                   t3= 10,10C                   Cad=1
Ask: t2=?
     Q release = Q absorbed
             Mb . cb . Dtb  = Mad . cad . Dtad
          100 . 0,04 . (t2-10,1)   = 400 . 1 . (10,1-0)
                           4t2 – 40,4  = 40404
       t2   = 1020

a.       Temperature is a degree of heat or coldness of a matter.
b.      Heat capacity of a matter is the amount of heat which needed to increase the temperature of a matter every temperature change unit.
c.       Calorimeter experiment is based on “Black Principle” which state that the amount of heat released is equal with the amount of heat absorbed.
d.      Heat is energy which move from higher temperature system to lower temperature system.
e.       Specific heat of matter is the amount of heat needed to increase the temperature every unit of substances mass and temperature change.
f.       In this experiment we get calorimeter capacity (Ccal) as (Ck+ DCk) = (43,87 + 6,67) cal/g0C and specific heat of solid matter/copper (Cb) as (Cb + DCb) = (3,976 + 4,838.10-3) cal/g0C.
a.       The equilibrium temperature afford to reach thermal condition.
b.      When put the heat water or copper into calorimeter, it should be as fast as possible. It is in order to decrease the heat exchange from calorimeter system and environment.

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