Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

Lesson Plan / RPP macromolecule (protein)

Lesson Plan for Chemistry

                                    Education unit              : SMA Negeri 5 Malang
                                    Subject                        : Chemistry
                                    Grade/Semester           : XII/ 2
                                    Materials                     : Protein
                                    Time allocated             : 2x45 minutes
I.  Standard of Competence
4.  Understanding organic compound and its reaction, benzena and its derivates, and macromolecules.

II.  Basic Competence                       
4.3 To desribe the structure, naming system, classification, properties, and the function of macromolecule (polymer, carbohydrate, protein).

III.Indicators :
A.    Cognitive
1.      Product
a.       Explaining the formation of protein from its amino acid.
b.      Explaining the structure of protein.
c.       Explaining the properties of amino acid.
d.      Explaining the properties of protein.
e.       Explaining the function of protein
f.       Determining the group function in the peptyde using protein identification methode by class demontration.
2.      Process
a.       Doing discussion to answer the problem which is given by teacher.
B.     Affective
1.      Characters
a.       Analyzing and answering question about protein critically
b.      Collecting data of experiment about protein identification honesty.
2.      Social skills
a.       Doing the assignment in the worksheet cooperatively
A.    Cognitive
1.      Products :
a.       Independently, student are able to explain the formation of protein correctly from its amino acid.
b.      Independently, the students are able to explain the structure of protein correctly.
c.       Independently, the students are able to explain the properties of amino acid correctly.
d.      Independently, the students are able to explain the properties of protein correctly.
e.       Independently, the student are able to explain the function of protein correctly.
f.       Independently, the students are able to determining the group function in the peptyde using protein identification by class demontration methode correctly.
2.      Process
a.       Student are able to discuss the problem given by the teacher cooperatively in a group.
B.     Affective
1.      Characters :
a.       Independently, students are able to analyze and answer question about protein critically.
b.      Independently, students are able to collect data experiment of protein  identification honesty.
2.      Social skills :
a.       Students are able to do the assignment in the worksheet cooperatively by group discussion.

V.  Learning Content
Formation of protein from amino acid, the structure of protein, properties of amino acid, properties of protein, function of protein, and determining the group function in peptyde by perotein identification.

VI.Learning Models and Methods
   Learning model               : STAD
   Learning methods           : explanation, discussion, team work, giving task, demonstration

VII.Teaching and Learning Process
Student Activities
Time allocation
Meeting 1
Opening Activities
1.      Student prepare to study by praying
2.      Student discuss the question given by teacher: what are your breakfast today? What is the main contain of your breakfast? Why the protein contain in plants are different with the animal protein?
3.      Students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation about the learning objective:
- explain the formation of protein from its amino acid
- explain the structure of protein
- explain the properties of amino acid
- explain the properties of protein
- explain the function of protein
- determine the group function in peptyde by protein identification

Main Activities
1.      Discussing about the formation of protein from its monomer.
2.      Student analyze and solve the problem in the worksheet about formation of protein from its monomer grouply.
3.     Students present their discussion result in class discussion.
4.      Discussing about the structure of protein.
5.      Student analyze and solve the problem in the worksheet about formation of protein from its monomer the structure of protein grouply.
6.     Students present their discussion result in class discussion.
7.      Discussing about the properties of amino acid.
8.      Student analyze and solve the problem in the worksheet about the properties of amino acid grouply.
9.     Students present their discussion result in class
10.  Discussing about the properties of protein.
11.  Student analyze and solve the problem in the worksheet about the properties of protein grouply.
12. Students present their discussion result in class
13.  Discussing about the function of protein
14.  Student analyze and solve the problem in the worksheet about the function of protein grouply.
15. Students present their discussion result in class
16.  Demontrating how to determine the group function in the peptyde in the class discussion.
17.  Student analyze and solve the problem in the worksheet about the protein identification grouply.
18. Students present their discussion result in class
19.  Student give applause to the best team which has the highest score.
20. Student do the test from the teacher as the evaluation.
Closing Activities
1.      Student conclude the learning activities about protein.
2.      Student is praying before closing the learning activities

15 minutes

8 minutes

8 minutes

8 minutes

8 minutes

8 minutes

20 minutes

10 minutes

5 minutes

1.      Sudarmo, Unggul. 2006. Kimia untuk SMA/MA Kelas XI.Jakarta: Phibeta.
2.      Sillaby
3.      Worksheet
4.      Power point of protein

1.  Evaluation Sheet 1: social skill
2.      Evaluation Sheet 2: written task
3.      Quiz

Evaluation sheet 1 Social skill
Social Skill Performance Assessment Rules

Educational unit     : SMA Negeri X
Subject                    : Chemistry
Class/Semester        : Class XII/ Semester 2
Date                        :

4 = excellent                                        2 = good
3 = showing progress                          1 = need a correction

Specification of social skill
Contributing ideas
Being good listeners



FINAL GRADE :         × 100
Evaluation sheet 2 Writen Task

Educational unit     : SMA Negeri X
Subject                    : Chemistry
Class/Semester        : Class XI/ Semester 2
Date                        :


76 – 100: Very good
26    – 75 : Good
26 – 49  : Less good
0        – 25 : Not good

1.      Please explain the formation of peptyde bonds from cystein and threonine!

2.      Please explain some bonds or intermolecular forces which sequence in:
a.       Primary structure
b.      Tertiary structure

3.      How does amino acids are amfoter substance?
4.      Mention some reason which caused denaturation of protein!
5.      Mention 2 function of protein!
6.      What is the reagen used in the biuret test?

1.      Please explain the formation of peptyde bonds from cystein and threonine!

2.      Please explain some bonds or intermolecular forces which sequence in:
a.       Primary structure
b.      Tertiary structure

3.      How does amino acids are amfoter substance?
4.      Mention some reason which can caused denaturation of protein!
5.      Mention 2 function of protein!
6.      What is the reagen used in the biuret test?