Minggu, 19 Februari 2012

Belajar dari Lirik Waiting Outside the Lines -Greyson Chance

Waiting outside the line - Greyson Chance
You’ll never enjoy your life,
living inside the box
You’re so afraid of taking chances,
how you gonna reach the top?

Rules and regulations,
force you to play it safe
Get rid of all the hesitation,
it’s time for you to seize the day

Instead of just sitting around
and looking down on tomorrow
You gotta let your feet off the ground,
the time is now

I’m waiting, waiting, just waiting,
I’m waiting, waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines

Setengah lagu pertama dari greyson chance ini sangat bagus bgt. Pertama kali dengar di metro tv, langsung deh  buka internet dan cari ni lagu. Ternyata greyson chance adalah penyayi amerika kelahiran tahun 16 Agustus 1997, masih muda bgt ya. Karirnya berawal dari youtube, sama kayak Justin bieber.  Kalo dilihat dari usianya, lagu ini menjadi sangat  istimewa buatku karena dia menyayikannya di usia 12 tahun. Padahal dalam lagu ini isinya tekanan, presssure, yah intinya  masalah orang dewasa. Lagu ini isinya sangat menohok buatku, sekaligus memberi semangat. Try to think out of the box. Ya,, as we know,banyak manusia sekarang ini yg hidup dalam dunia yang bebas namun terkekang, terkekang untuk menunjukkan siapa dirinya,. Banyak hal mulai dari politik,  lingkungan,  hingga pekerjaan yang meamksa kita menjadi something masking. Kita hanya belajar memakai topeng, dan jangan sampai topeng terlepas. Jadi anak buah yg disukai bos, tapi memaki2 dibalakangnya. Banyak hal yg bisa diceritakan dalam lagu ini.

Try to have no regrets
even if it’s just tonight
How you gonna walk ahead
if you keep living blind?

Stuck in my same position,
you deserve so much more
There’s a whole world around us,
just waiting to be explored

Instead of just sitting around
and looking down on tomorrow
You gotta let your feet off the ground,
the time is now, just let it go

The world will force you to smile
I’m here to help you notice the rainbow
Cause I know,
What’s in you is out there

Bait tereakhir diatas ini yg paling ku sukai. Dunia kan memaksa kita untuk tersenyum. Aku disini akan membantumu untuk melihat pelagi itu. Karena kamu yang sebenarnya ada di luar sana. Bukan terkurung dalam sebuah kotak yang menyesakkan. Best friend banget pokoknya :D

So,, sampai kapan kita mau terpenjara dalam kotak ini?? Percayalah bahwa kamu bisa menjadi manusia yang bisa jauh lebih baik dari sekarang. Menjadi lebih berguna bagi orang di sekitar kita. Kalo mendapat suatu kepercayaan ya dilakukan dengan baik, bukan malah menyalahgunakannya.. karena sekali kamu mengecawakan kepercayaan seseorang belum  tentu ada kesempatan kedua. Tidak banyak orang yang mau memberikan kesempatan kedua.Teman2 semua,, mari kita kita semua berusaha untuk mengabdikan diri kepada masyarakat. Mungkin usaha kita memang tidak bisa mengubah negara ini secara langsung, kita bukan penyulap teman. Segala sesuatu itu dimulai dari hal kecil. Kalo bukan kita sipa lagi, tidak sekarang kapan?? Teringat berdepat dengan seorang teman kalo percuma kita berbuat sesuai aturan jika lingkungan kita tidak mendukung. Tapi akan kah kita tetap mengikuti lingkungan dengan still live inside the box??. You never enjoy your life. Sebelum hati nurani mu mati, sebelum waktumu habis, dan sebelum semuanya semakin membudaya dan tidak bisa berganti. Saya pernah membaca di buku ESQ bahwa sebenarnya fitrah kita adalah asmaul husna, kita mempunyai sifat untuk bertindak sesuai dengan nama-nama Allah yang agung itu. Sekali lagi, sebelum mati hati nurani mu,, let’s move out of the box guys :D 

Jumat, 17 Februari 2012



Educational unit          : SMA Laboratorium
Subject                         : Chemistry
Class/Semester             : XI/2
Materials                      : Hess’ Law

Mike Rahayu

The Learning University

October, 2011

Lesson Plan  : Enthalpy change in chemical reaction and its calculation

Educational unit          : SMA Laboratorium
Subject                         : Chemistry
Class/Semester             : XI/2
Materials                      : Hess’ Law
Time allocated             : 1 x 45 minutes

I.       Standard of competence       : Understanding the enthalpy change in chemical 
   reaction and its calculation

II.    Basic competence                   : Determine DH reaction by Hess’ law

III. Indicators
A.    Cognitive :
1.      Product
a.    Explaining the Hess’ law concept
b.   Calculating DH reaction by Hess’ law
2.      Process
a.       Doing question-answer method to understand Hess’ Law
b.      Doing discussion to make some question and answer with certain condition  given by teacher to explain Hess’ law calculation
B.     Affective :
1.      Characters
a.       Honest
b.      Confident
c.       Responsible
d.      Be careful
2.      Social skills
a.       Asking
b.      Contributing ideas
c.       Being a good listeners
d.      Communicating

IV. Objective
A.    Cognitive
1.      Product :
a.       Independently, the students can explain the Hess’ Law concept
b.      Independently, the students can calculate the DH reaction by Hess’ law concept
2.      Process
a.       Given a certain condition, the students can do discussion in a group to make a problem to explain DH reaction by  Hess’ law and its calculation
b.      Given a chance to exchange the problem made to the other group and discuss the answer by presenting in front of class.
B.     Affective
1.      Characters :
Involving in the students centered teaching and learning process. The students are evaluated in making progress of showing the caracteristics : honesty, responsibility, confident, being careful and the accuracy.
2.      Socials skills :
Involving in the students centered teaching and learning process. The student are evaluated in making progress of showing the caracteristics : asking, contributing ideas, being a good listeners and communicating.

           V.     Learning materials
Hess’ Law (concept law and calculation in stoiciometry)

        VI.     Learning and teaching material
Learning models : Problem Posing
Learning method: Discussion, presentation and question-answer

     VII.     Teaching and Learning Process
A.    Opening
Teacher activities
Student activities
Time alocated
1.      Open teaching and learning process by greetings and ask about condition of student and who is absent today
2.      Asking the student about the last lesson and motivating the students by giving example of Hess’ law in daily life.
3.      Communicating the learning objectives, learning model, products, process, social skills and characters.
Answer greeting and question

Pay attention for teacher explanation

Pay attention for teacher explanation

5 minutes

B.     Main
Teacher activities
Student activities
Time alocated
1.      Giving the learning materials by question-answer method.
2.      Giving example of  problem solving and giving chance for student to ask the teacher if not understand yet
3.      Organizing the students into 2 group, every group consist of 3 students.
4.      Giving  condition and require the students to make problem and answer  from this condition.
5.      Giving chance for student to exchange their problem and solve the problem with their group.
6.      Identification the problem of group and discussed the answer while assessment
7.      Giving the rewards to the group which is good in this learning process.
8.      Giving quiz
9.      Asking some students to make conclusions about Hess’ law
Pay attention and active in catechize method

Pay attention for teacher explanation

Form group

make problem from a given condition in a group

Student exchange and disscus problem from another group

Presenting their answer.
Pay attention for teacher explanation
Doing the quiz

Pay attention for it

Pay attention and active

7 minutes

5 minutes

10 minutes

5 minutes

3 minutes

5 minutes

C.    Closing
Teacher activities
Student activities
Time alocated
1.      Require student to study carefully about material in next lesson
2.      Closing with greeting
Pay attention for teacher explanation
Answer greeting

5 minutes

  VIII.     Learning Source
1.      Student quiz
2.      Key of quiz
3.      Chemistry book XI grade

        IX.     Learning Media
1.      Slide
2.      Handout
3.      White board
4.      Marker

           X.     Assessment
1.      Cognitive
·         Assessment of making question


Assessment of making question
-          Statement                                                              score 0
-          Non mathematic question                                     score 1
-          Unfinishable mathematic question                        score 1
-          Finishable mathematic question                            score 2

      GRADE =        x 100

·         Discussion assessment

Number of question

Key answer


Perfect and true answer
Answer approach true
False answer

Perfect and true answer
Answer approach true
False answer

Perfect and true answer
Answer approach true
False answer
Perfect and true answer
Answer approach true
False answer

Group answer assessment  

FINAL GRADE :         × 100

2.      Affective

(76 –100 )

(50 –75)

(26 –49)

(0 –25 )

Student being active

Student togetherness

Answer accuracy

Student being active

Student togetherness

Answer accuracy

76 – 100: Very good
26    – 75 : Good
26 – 49  : Less good
0        – 25 : Not good

Individual capability test
Write test          : can got from individual test.
Activeness        : capable reveal opinion and ask a question when discussion  

            Malang,   1 October 2011
                 Understand,                                                                       Chemistry teacher

Prof.  Srini M. Iskandar M.Sc. Ph.D                                                    Mike Rahayu

(Hess’ Law)
Group                         : 1
Member                      : 1. ................................
                                      2. ................................
                                      3. ................................

Instruction  : Make 2 question with your group  base on this condition in 8 minutes !
Known :        
1.      H2O(l)             H2(g) + 1/2O2(g)           DH=+285kJ    
H2(g) + 1/2O2(g)           H2O(g)            DH= -243 kJ
H2O(l)          H2O(s)                             DH= -7 kJ
H2O(s)          H2O(g)                            DH= +49 kJ



(Hess’ Law)
Group                         : 2
Member                      : 1. ................................
                                      2. ................................
                                      3. ................................

Instruction  : Make  2 question with your group  base on this condition in 8 minutes !
Known :        
1.      Cu(s) + 2Ag(aq)            Cu2+(aq) + Ag(s)             DH= -148 kJ
Zn(s) +2Ag(aq)             Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s)              DH= -363 kJ
Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq)           Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s)              DH=  -215 kJ




Teacher : Assalamualaikum student.
Student  : Wallaikumsalam ma’am.
Teacher   : Good morning everybody,  how are you today?
Student  : Good morning ma’am, I’m fine, thank you.
Teacher   : Ok, before we start our lesson today, let’s pray together.
Student  : (praying)
Teacher   : finish. I will check your presence. Anybody’s absent today?
Student : No one absent today ma’am.
Teacher : Good, Ok before we start our lesson, I  want ask you about last meeting.  Anyone still remember about enthalpy?
Student    : Yes ma’am,
Teacher    : What is it?
Student    : Enthalpy is the heat content of a system.
Teacher    : yes, that’s right. And how many kinds of reaction based on the enthalpy change?
Student    : there are two kinds of reaction mom, exothermic and endothermic one.
Teacher    : Good, so what is the difference of them?
Student    : A reaction in which the energy is released to the surrounding is called exothermic reaction, reactants have higher enthalpy of product, and DH<0. And a reaction in which energy is absorbed from he surrounding is called endothermic reaction, products have higher enthalpy than reactant, and DH>0.
Teacher    : Excellent. I’m sure that all of you still remember that one. Ok, let’s move on to the next one. Have you read this topic at home?
Student    : Yes ma’am, of course
Teacher    :  ok, let’s check, what is Hess’ Law state?
Student    : In going from a particular set of reactants to a particular set of product, the change in enthalpy is the same whether the reaction take places in one step or in series of steps
Teacher    : Excellent, anyone has another answer?
Student    : No ma’am.
Teacher    : Ok, let’s check. Pay attention with this power point.
Student    : (pay attention).
Teacher    : Enthalpy is a state function. What is it?
Student    : State function is a variable or property whose value depends only on the initial and final states of the system, not on the path taken by the system to get from the initial to the final states.
Teacher    : Very good. In 18840, Mr. Henry Hess, a Russian chemist published his law called Hess’ Law. And, Hess’s law states that “In going from a particular set of reactants to a particular set of product, the change in enthalpy is the same whether the reaction take places in one step or in series of steps” you can pay attention with this picture (on ppt)
Student    : (pay attention)
Teacher    : Suppose you go from Malang to Jakarta twice by two trains with different routes as shown in this picture. Malang is 445 m above the sea level, whereas Jakarta is 25 m above the sea level. In this case, you’re “the system” and your position above the sea level is a state function. Because your position is a state function, the change in your position when you travel from Kotabaru Railway Station in Malang to Gambir Railway station in Jakarta is independent of the route you take. Your position becomes 430  lower when you go from from Kotabaru Railway Station in Malang to Gambir Railway station in Jakarta irrespective of the routes of trip you take.
Student    : Yes, I see ma’am.
Teacher    : any question?
Student    : no ma’am
Teacher    : Good, if I have a condition like this one, so, how much the enthalpy changes?
Student    ; (answer the question)
Teacher gives some sample of problem.
Teacher    : very good, student. Any body has question?
Student    : no ma’am.
Teacher    : ok, because there are no question, I’m sure that all of you have understood. I’ll give you a certain condition. And you have to make a problem based on the condition given. I’ll divide you into 2 group, the first group are Iska, Redi and Fitri. And the second group are Binti, Evi, and Arisa.. Let’s join on your group.
Student    : ok ma’am. (join a group)
Teacher    : This is the assignment, make (give the work sheet)
Student    : (do a discussion)
Teacher : Ok. Time is up, please exchange your problem with another group. And every group must discuss and solve problem from another group,
Teacher : Ok now, please group 1 present their discussion result. Please group that make the problem pay attention.
(discussion and presentation)
Teacher : Ok, all presentation has finished. Anyone still confuse with this topic?
Student    : No mom.
Teacher    : Good. Because all of group doing the discussion very well, give applause to all of us. To check your comprehension about Hess’ law deeply, I’ll give you a quiz. 5 minutes is enough I think,
Student    : (do the quiz)
Teacher    : time is up, please submit the quiz.
                   So, what conclusion that we can get from this topic?
Student : In going from a particular set of reactants to a particular set of product, the change in enthalpy is the same whether the reaction take places in one step or in series of steps
Teacher : excellent. I think that’s all for today. Don’t forget to study about the next topic. It’s very nice to see you when you already study about next topic.
Student : yes mom
Teacher : see you next Friday
Student : see you mom.