Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

RPP elektrolisis dan korosi (lesson Plan of electrolysis and Corrosion)


School                                    : SMA Negeri X
Lesson                                   : Chemistry
Class/Semester                       : XII/ 1
Material                                 : Electrolysis and corrosion
Time allocation                      : 6 x 45 menit


I. Standard of competence
2. Applying reduction-oxidation and electrochemistry concept in daily life.

II. Basic competence
  2.2 Explain the reduction and oxidation reaction in electrolysis cell

III. Indicator
A.    Cognitive
1.      Product
a.       Explain principle of electrolysis
b.      Writing the reaction in anode and cathode in electrolysis molten and solution substance using inert and non inert electrode
c.       Distinguish principle of electrolysis and Galvanic cell
d.      Explain factors affecting the corrosion
e.       Explain how to prevent the corrosion
2.      Process
a.       Doing the electrolysis experiment
b.      Make a table the difference of Galvanic cell and electrolysis.
c.       Doing a discussion about the experiment result
d.      Doing a presentation about the experiment result
B.     Psikomotorik
a.       Designing the experiment apparatus and material of electrolysis and factors affecting corrosion
C.     Afektif
1.      Character
a.       Analyze and answer the question.
b.      Doing the experiment carefully and honestly.
2.      Social skill
a.    Communicating the idea, question, and suggestion in a good manners.

IV. Objectives
A.    Cognitive
1.      Product :
a.       Student explain principle of electrolysis correctly in a group work
b.      In a group work, student writing the reaction in anode and cathode in electrolysis molten and solution substance using inert and non inert electrode correctly.
c.       Student distinguish principle of electrolysis and Galvanic cell correctly in individually.
d.      Student explain factors affecting the corrosion correctly in a group work
e.       Student explain how to prevent the corrosion correcly individually.
2.      Proses :
a.       Student do the electrolysis experiment correctly by group work
b.      Student make a table the difference of Galvanic cell and electrolysis correctly by individual work.
c.       Student do discussion about the experiment result by group work
d.      Student doa presentation about the experiment result by group work
B.     Psikomotorik
a.       Student designe the experiment apparatus and material of electrolysis and factors affecting corrosion correctly in the group
C.     Affective
1.      Character
a.       Individually, student analyze and answer the question correctly .
b.      Student do the experiment carefully in a group work.
c.       Student collect the experiment data honestly in a group work.
2.      Social skill
a.       Student communicate the idea, question, and suggestion in a good manners individually.

V. Learning material
1.      Principle of electrolysis
2.      Electrolysis in daily life
3.      Corrosion
VI. Learning Model and Learning Methode
Learning model            :  Guided inquiry
Learning methode        :  Experiment, discussion.

VII. Media
·         Power point of electrolysis
·         Blackboard and boardmaker
·         Worksheet

VIII. Learning Process
Student Activity
Time Allocation (minute)

A.    Initiation
1.      Student prepare to study
2.      Student discussion about the difference Galvanic cell and electrolysis.
B.     Main
1.      Student discussion about the experiment in a group and design the hypothesis
2.      Student do the experiment in the worksheet
3.      Student discussion about the result and make some conclusion in a group
4.      Student present the experiment result and the conclusion to the other group.
5.      All student discussion about the experiment result which presented by one group in class discussion
C.    Closing
1.      Student make some conclusion about the experiment








A.  Initiation
1.  Student prepare to study
2.      Student discussion about the principle of electrolysis in the previous meeting.
a.      Main
1.    Student do the discussion and analyze the experiment data of electrolysis molten and solution using inert and non inert electrode in a group.
2.    Student analyze the tendency reaction happen in cathode and anode in electrolysis of electrolysis molten and solution using inert and non inert electrode in a group.
3.    Student present the discussion result and their conclusion to the other group.
4.    All student discussion about the experiment result which presented by one group in class discussion
5.    Student do the test about electrolysis individually.
b.      Closing
1.      Student make some conclusion about the reaction in anode and cathode in electrolytic cell









A.    Initiation
1.  Student prepare to study
2.    Student discussion about the corrosion in daily life.
B.     Main
1.   Student discussion about the experiment in a group and design the hypothesis
2.   Student do the experiment in the worksheet
3.      Student discussion about the result and make some conclusion in a group
4.      Student present the experiment result and the conclusion to the other group.
5.      All student discussion about the experiment result which presented by one group in class discussion
C.    Closing
1.      Student make some conclusion about the experiment







IX.   Learning Source
1.      Effendy. 2011. A-Level Chemistry for Senior High School Students.Malang: Bayumedia.
2.      Sudarmo, Unggul. 2006. Kimia untuk SMA/MA Kelas XI.Jakarta: Phibeta.
3.       Syllabi

X.      Assesment
1.      Evaluation sheet 1: skill
2.      Evaluation skill 2: written test
3.      Worksheet

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