Hello, its quite a long time I dont write anything in here. lets go to the point. I feel gloomy right now. I still doubt about what I want to do. I have a dream to continue my study in Australia, USA,Europe or Taiwan. After reviewing my ability, I choose Taiwan to continue my master degree. I choose NCTU and NDHU as my next universities. Sometimes, I still gloomy with my choice. Am I able to complete my study in there? Am I able to survive in Taiwan, where the mother language is Mandarin. My english is not really good.
I remember a year ago, 10 February 2012. At that time I agreed to do my research for my thesis. My thesis was developing an electrochemistry module for RSBI student, of course it is in english. I just optimist I can do that. In this time, I have to face the same problems. If I study in Taiwan, I have to write my researh in english, all english. And to survive, I have to use Mandarin to buy food and do my daoly activities. Oh ya Allah, I hope you give me s strength to make a decision. I am sure that every challenge has its benefits. The more difficult the challenge, the more benefit we get.
I think when I study in Taiwan, I am sure that I will make my international article, Increase my english skill, and also learn mandarin. I am not sure I can published international article if I take my study in Indonesia. I think it is easier to go Aussie if I has international pulbication. My toefl just 523 in this time. By studying in Taiwan I will increase my english skill because I will do all of my assignment in english.
I am still confuse. If anyone has advice, please tell me
Optimist pliss :D