Hi, this is me, still me, the one who has not married yet, :P
baper Mik?
No, no, today I just want to make clear why I am not married yet.
Did you ever feel you are too relay to someone?
Talking about what you feel to someone, talking about all of your activities, discussing what you want to do for tomorrow, and also planning about your future.
That's what I think about getting married. Shared all the things we are worried about
you shared to me, and I shared to you alias sesambatan
Unfortunately, not all people are easy to share what they feel and what they plan to do
And, I am the one of those kinds of people. I feel that talking about what I worry is one of my negative side, and I don't want anyone to know this. At least, I'll let anyone I trusted to hear that.
And this is the main problem, It is difficult to trust someone. Too believe in someone who we do not know yet may cause we too dependent to them. What happen if He suddenly leave us behind? Move on for some people in not as easy as just say "forget it". We may forgive, but not forget.
And this is the story, I just feel difficult to be too dependent to someone who I am not married yet. I will be dependent to him once I was married with him, hahaha, maybe it seem too ridiculous.
Yes, I'll let all my feelings once I married. For me, that was my starting point. Maybe be I'll dependent to him, but not completely dependent before we get married.
So, when you have someone to depend on Mik? wkwkwkwk