Selasa, 15 Mei 2012


Question: Why Is a Mole Called a Mole?
mole is an important unit in chemistry. Do you know the mole got its name? Here is the answer to why a mole is called a mole.
Answer: Ostwald is responsible for coming up with the term "mole" (Mol), although his original unit was defined in terms of the gram. His later writings made it clear he intended this unit to be based on the ideal gas concept. Around 1900, Ostwald wrote, "Ostwald adalah oorang yg bertanggung jawab dengan munculnya istilah mole (mol), meskipun satuan aslinya didefinisikan dalam nentuk gram. 
"...the molecular weight of a substance, expressed in grams, shall henceforth be called mole [. . . das in Grammen augedruckte [. . .] Molekulargewicht eines Stoffes soll fortan ein Mol heissen]"                "MAssa senyawa dibagi dengan berat molekul suatu senyawa disebut mol............

"That amount of any gas that occupies a volume of 22414 mL in normal conditions is called one mole [eine solche Menge irgendeines Gases, welche das Volum von 22412 ccm im Normalzustand einnimt nennt man ein Mol]"  "jumlah gas yang menempati suatu volume sebesar 22414 mL pada keadaan normal disebut mol"


Ostwald, W. Grundriss der allgemeinen Chemie; Leipzig: Engelmann, 1900, p. 11.
Ostwald, W. Grundriss der allgemeinen Chemie, 5th ed.; Dresden: Steinkopff, 1917, p. 44.

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