Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

Cara mendapatkan Jurnal Berbayar Secara Gratis

Untuk teman teman semua yang sudah ada di semester penghujung tanduk,hehe maksudnya semester tua alias paling pucuk, pasti sudah lumaya akrab dengan yang namanya jurnal ilmiah. ya, jurnal ilmiah biasanya berisi kumpulann-kumpulan artikel ilmiah baik berupa hasil penelitian maupun hasil penelaahan dari para ahli. Jenis jurnal pun sangat beragam, mulai dari bidangnya hingga statusnya. Ada jurnal chemistry education hingga jurnal technical engineering, healthy, and many others. Sedangkan menurut statusnya, ada jurnal terakreditasi, non akreditasi hingga jurnal internasional. Khusus untuk di Indonesia, jurnal yang bagus dan diakui adalah jurnal yang memiliki akreditasi. uniknya, untuk jurnal internasional, malah tidak ada akreditasinya. Rata2 jurnal tersebut memang sudah diakui secara internasional karena beberapa alasan:

1. Memiliki impact factor yang tinggi. Impact factor menunjukkan banyaknya artikel yang dimuat dalam suatu jurnal yang dirujuk oleh penulis artikel pada jurnal yang sama dan jurnal-jurnal yang lain dalam waktu dua tahun. jadi jika satu jurnal dalam 2 tahun menerbitkan 200 artikel dan artikel tersebut dirujuk oleh 1000 artikel lain, maka impact factornya adalah 5. semakin tinggi impact factor, semakin baik kualitas jurnal tersebut.

2. Artikel yang dimuat bermutu dan ditulis oleh peneliti dari berbagai negara

3. memiliki mitra bebestari (reviewer) dari berbagai negara

4. Jurnal didistribusikan ke berbagai negara

5. Hasil cetakannya memiliki kualitas yang bagus

6. Dimasukkan dalam citatiion index

7. Dimasukkan dalam database tertentu seperti sciFinder Scolar (mahal tapi gan..,hehe)
                                                                                                (Effendy, 2012:6)

Sepert yang sudah kita ketahui bersama, bahwasannya untuk mendapatkan artikel dari jurnal ilmiah yang berkualitas, apalagi internasional memerlukan biaya yang sangat mahal. Bahkan saya pernah mencoba untuk akses, biaya 1 artikel adalah $30 dolar,, walah, biaya hidup 2 minggu di kota malang ini,hehe Sebenarnya untuk teman2 yang punya kelebihan dana, silakan beli artikel jurnal tersebut meskipun agak mahal. NAmun untuk teman2 yang mungkin belum bisa membeli, silakan minta secara baik baik kepada penulisnya,:) (jangan datengi rumahnya sambil bawa golok ya,,haha)

Lha, kalo penulisnya ada jauh di ujung dunia bagian pucuk sana gimana? kan ongkos ke sana lebih mahal ?
please yaaa,, ini sudah akhir tahun 2012, dikira ini masih perjuangan kemerdekaan apa,haha
Silakan kirim email ke penulis artikel tersebut. jadi berikut ini adalah langkah langkah selengkapnya ntuk mendapatkan artikel internasiona dengan cara free (insyAllah). Menurut dosen saya, keberhasilan cara ini mencapai 99% karena menurut pengalamana dosen saya, semua professor di dunia memiliki semacam perjanjian tak tertulis bahwa ilmu itu harus diajarkan dan di sharingkan kepada yang lainnya. Kalo pengalama pribadi saya masih 50%. SAya penah engirimkan 2 email untuk meminta artikel dan 1 email dibalas dan 1 email tidak. (Mungkin account email penulis satunya sudah rusak, jadi email saya nggak masuk,haha)

berikut adalah cara dapetin artikel ilmiah secara free selengkapnya:
1. Silakan cari jurnal artikel yang anda cari di google.com atau scirus.com. scirus.com. lebih disarankan karena memang khusus artikel jurnal ilmiah. kata kuncinya silakan pake yg bahasa Inggris, article journal of "bla bla bla(diisi dengan topik apa yg anda cari)" misal journal article about guided inquiry in senior high school
2. Silakan coba baca abstraknya lebih dahulu, jika memang cocok, silakan coba akses full papernya.
3. Jika anda harus membayar, coba cari alamat email penulisnya di bagian atas atau paling bawah jurnal tersebut(abstrak)
4. Jika tetap tidak ketemu alamat emailnya, coba search di Google dengan kata kunci seperti berikut, contoh : "alamat email prof. Effendy, christallography, Universitas Negeri Malang" cantumkan nama dan bidang serta institusinya jika ada.
5. Silakan kirim email seperti ini:
To: Prof. Effendy, Ph.D                                                                                                         Universitas Negeri Malang                                                                                                                              Dear Prof. Effendy,                                                                                                                  

I am interested in your article "TITTLE ARTICLE". I want to do a research related to your work described in that article, but I couldn't find that article either as a print out or online edition from my university library. If you don't mind, could you please send me a pdf file of that article.                                                                                               Thank you very much for your kindness.

Your sincerely
          Dr. Riset Ngebet
          Program Pascasarjana
          Universitas bla bla bla

Oke kawan-kawan, selamat berjuang ya,, SEE YOU ON TOP ALL :D

Jumat, 07 Desember 2012


Miracle does not happen like a rain which easily go down from the sky to this earth
it is also not like a water which flow from higher place to the lower place
Our Great Prophet, Muhammad SAW also get the first miracle, Q.S Al-Iqro' 1-5 when he was medidate in the Hiro' cave

Allah is the Best Known which is the best for His  umat.
He never give something that in the future, it will give a mudhorot to us.
Although sometimes the test given to us is too heavy,
But Allah already create a problem in a package with its solution.

A higher problem you get, a higher improvement you will get
it is just like when you study in elementary school and junior high school.
of course the test given in junior high school is more difficult than the test given in elementary school
everything that you should do is do the best,
never give up until the end of this life

thomas alfa Edison find the lamp in thousands trial and error, if he end his research in the 99 experiment, what will happen?
sometimes, we stop our effort when a succesful is very close to us
becouse we never know when the we success,
stop arguing more and more
stop beefing about a failure
just try to do the best
be focus
and let Allah handle the result :D

Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

I'm in Love

it is already for along time I have known about you
recover me when I was falling down
recover this hearth when it is already broken
but everything that you do are still unrecognized

i know this
but, maybe it's too late
I always said that it's difficult to unite my hearth and my brain
as usual, my brain always need something empiric to ensure me

maybe it's difficult for you to chase me anymore
after all the thing that I ever did to you
unrecognize is not something nice to feel

one thing that I want to see
your passion
I know that you are a great person
you have a huge potential to be an amazing person
all thing that I do just to motivate you

and now, I feel amazing
looking you from far distance with your succes

honestly, you have already get me
but, maybe you don't regoznice it
maybe you look at me that I was like as cool as cucumber
That is just my way to make my brain in a line with my heath
I will admit this feeling when this brain say yes
my brain is my biggest bos
And I thing this brain want you right now

I'm so sorry for my defiance,
I just want to see you become stronger
because I know that you can do it
You have a greater potential than me
Never think about underestimate or something else

it's time to say congratulation to you
congratulation for your graduation

hope that you will stay on the top :D
good luck

Sabtu, 24 November 2012

Terima Kasih

ah, di sini lah duniaku sekarang, menjadi seorang pendidik yang mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa. Memberikan ilmu kepada anak didik supaya mereka menjadi manusia yang berguna bagi  nusa dan bangsa. teringat cita-citaku 4 tahun yang lalu, oh bukan, mungkin cita2 ku sejak aku bisa berbicara. ya, menjadi seorang dokter, :)

Sepertinya keinginan itu memang benar2 sudah terpendam kuat saat saya diterima di sebuah Universitas Negeri di Malang dalam bidang pend. Kimia. Masih berkutat seputar sains, namun ini bukan yg sebetulnya yg saya inginkan. Teringat suatu perbincangan saat sy menjenguk ayah sahabat sy yg sedang sakit di sebuah rumah sakit. "lihat itu, kantorku sedang dibangun:)" kataku dengan yakinnya. namun saat ini jika melihat KTM yang ada didompetku, guru. Bagiku guru suatu pekerjaann yang mulia, namun panggilan hati tetaplah panggilan hati. saya masih ingin bisa menjadi seorang dokter.
mungkin ini saatnya saya kembali berjuang. selama batu nisan belum ditancapkan, apapun masih bisa terjadi :)
semoga saya selalu diberikan yang terbaik ya Allah, hanya Engkau Yang Maha Tau apa yg terbaik bagi hamba-Mu.

Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012


I Like writting
I love writting
write something in my mind and share it to everyone
I fell so happy if you don't mind to comment in this site
I just want to know what is feed back of my writting
is it right, nice, or juat bad?

sometimes, writing can make it is easier to facce
many problems feels lighter after writing in this site
it does not need in a long word,
just a little sentences, it is enaugh to decrease my bad feeling
just try and try,
because nothing is easy, but remember that nothing is impossible :)
keep moving on :D

Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

RPP elektrolisis dan korosi (lesson Plan of electrolysis and Corrosion)


School                                    : SMA Negeri X
Lesson                                   : Chemistry
Class/Semester                       : XII/ 1
Material                                 : Electrolysis and corrosion
Time allocation                      : 6 x 45 menit


I. Standard of competence
2. Applying reduction-oxidation and electrochemistry concept in daily life.

II. Basic competence
  2.2 Explain the reduction and oxidation reaction in electrolysis cell

III. Indicator
A.    Cognitive
1.      Product
a.       Explain principle of electrolysis
b.      Writing the reaction in anode and cathode in electrolysis molten and solution substance using inert and non inert electrode
c.       Distinguish principle of electrolysis and Galvanic cell
d.      Explain factors affecting the corrosion
e.       Explain how to prevent the corrosion
2.      Process
a.       Doing the electrolysis experiment
b.      Make a table the difference of Galvanic cell and electrolysis.
c.       Doing a discussion about the experiment result
d.      Doing a presentation about the experiment result
B.     Psikomotorik
a.       Designing the experiment apparatus and material of electrolysis and factors affecting corrosion
C.     Afektif
1.      Character
a.       Analyze and answer the question.
b.      Doing the experiment carefully and honestly.
2.      Social skill
a.    Communicating the idea, question, and suggestion in a good manners.

IV. Objectives
A.    Cognitive
1.      Product :
a.       Student explain principle of electrolysis correctly in a group work
b.      In a group work, student writing the reaction in anode and cathode in electrolysis molten and solution substance using inert and non inert electrode correctly.
c.       Student distinguish principle of electrolysis and Galvanic cell correctly in individually.
d.      Student explain factors affecting the corrosion correctly in a group work
e.       Student explain how to prevent the corrosion correcly individually.
2.      Proses :
a.       Student do the electrolysis experiment correctly by group work
b.      Student make a table the difference of Galvanic cell and electrolysis correctly by individual work.
c.       Student do discussion about the experiment result by group work
d.      Student doa presentation about the experiment result by group work
B.     Psikomotorik
a.       Student designe the experiment apparatus and material of electrolysis and factors affecting corrosion correctly in the group
C.     Affective
1.      Character
a.       Individually, student analyze and answer the question correctly .
b.      Student do the experiment carefully in a group work.
c.       Student collect the experiment data honestly in a group work.
2.      Social skill
a.       Student communicate the idea, question, and suggestion in a good manners individually.

V. Learning material
1.      Principle of electrolysis
2.      Electrolysis in daily life
3.      Corrosion
VI. Learning Model and Learning Methode
Learning model            :  Guided inquiry
Learning methode        :  Experiment, discussion.

VII. Media
·         Power point of electrolysis
·         Blackboard and boardmaker
·         Worksheet

VIII. Learning Process
Student Activity
Time Allocation (minute)

A.    Initiation
1.      Student prepare to study
2.      Student discussion about the difference Galvanic cell and electrolysis.
B.     Main
1.      Student discussion about the experiment in a group and design the hypothesis
2.      Student do the experiment in the worksheet
3.      Student discussion about the result and make some conclusion in a group
4.      Student present the experiment result and the conclusion to the other group.
5.      All student discussion about the experiment result which presented by one group in class discussion
C.    Closing
1.      Student make some conclusion about the experiment








A.  Initiation
1.  Student prepare to study
2.      Student discussion about the principle of electrolysis in the previous meeting.
a.      Main
1.    Student do the discussion and analyze the experiment data of electrolysis molten and solution using inert and non inert electrode in a group.
2.    Student analyze the tendency reaction happen in cathode and anode in electrolysis of electrolysis molten and solution using inert and non inert electrode in a group.
3.    Student present the discussion result and their conclusion to the other group.
4.    All student discussion about the experiment result which presented by one group in class discussion
5.    Student do the test about electrolysis individually.
b.      Closing
1.      Student make some conclusion about the reaction in anode and cathode in electrolytic cell









A.    Initiation
1.  Student prepare to study
2.    Student discussion about the corrosion in daily life.
B.     Main
1.   Student discussion about the experiment in a group and design the hypothesis
2.   Student do the experiment in the worksheet
3.      Student discussion about the result and make some conclusion in a group
4.      Student present the experiment result and the conclusion to the other group.
5.      All student discussion about the experiment result which presented by one group in class discussion
C.    Closing
1.      Student make some conclusion about the experiment







IX.   Learning Source
1.      Effendy. 2011. A-Level Chemistry for Senior High School Students.Malang: Bayumedia.
2.      Sudarmo, Unggul. 2006. Kimia untuk SMA/MA Kelas XI.Jakarta: Phibeta.
3.       Syllabi

X.      Assesment
1.      Evaluation sheet 1: skill
2.      Evaluation skill 2: written test
3.      Worksheet