Let me introduce myself. My name is Mike Rahayu, you can call me Mike. I am a freshgraduate in bachelor degree from State University of Malang in chemistry department. My major is Chemistry education. I have graduated in July, 2013. After finishing my study, I want to continue my study to master degree. I have a dream to go abroad and study in there. I have looked for some informations about it and I have prepared some requirements usually needed. I have prepared my english skill by taking ITP course in TEST-ES, kampung Inggris, Pare, Kediri for 3 weeks. I also have taken a TOEFL ITP test in October 23th in Unair, Surabaya.
Actually, I had gone to Pare twice, when I was in the first year and second year of my study. The last time I went there was last month, September. I had a great time in there. Amazing friends and very great teacher (mizu). All memories about them still remains in my mind.
First of all, I will introduce my excellent mizu. He is mizu Roni, Mahmud Sahroni. Wow, learning TOEFL becomes easier , especially in structure and written expresses. He is very kind, clever, and funny. We studied for about 14 hours everyday, what a schedule. But our class is always fun, none felt bored. There are a lot of jokes in class but we always be serious.
My class consists of 7 people, Evi (chemical engineering, Undip), Nisa (management, Undip), Bang Zul (civil engineering,ternate , Sandy (management, Bakrie University), Bibi (senior high school graduate), Hadya (public relation, UIN Bandung) (bu Iin (lecture in Unesa), and my self. Although we have a short time, only 3 weeks, but we are closed enough among each other. It was my great time to study together in TEST-ES.
It is still settled well in my memory when we went to Surabaya together to join in Taiwan higher education fair. Actually only me who wanted to join, but they said that they wanted to accompany me. What a friend :D. I know that they just want to hang out. We also went to Suramadu bridge, madura, and then took a picture on the bridge. actually it is prohibited, but I though that was fun., although I didn't take a picture with them. We also went to Kenjeran, maybe just 30 minutes in there. We went to caraoke, 2 hours and the we went home. We got a trouble when whe went home because there was not signal GPS. No one knew the route back to Pare. We only used GPS. We stopped for a moment and we continued our trip although there was no GPS signal. foertunately, we got a GPS signal after several time. We arrived at Pare at 1 am. We continued to go Simpang Lima Gumul (Bibi request) but he didn't wake up after we arrived in there, bocahh :p. It was about 3 am we went home and sleept in our ITP class :D. What a day. My first time go home in the early morning :p.
I miss you all,, please pray for me ya,, I want to continue my study in Taiwan :D
hehehehe,, let's go to Taiwan and tahe a holiday in there :D
BalasHapushahaha,,, it is still a secret,, sstttt,,
Hapuslet the time answer will be or not
hi mike, i am glad to read your writing. Especially about lpdp.
BalasHapusHi Ilham,, thanks for visiting my blog :)
HapusDo you a LPDP hunter? I hope you'll be an awardee as soon as possible :)
hi mike, i am glad to read your writing. Especially about lpdp.