Kamis, 16 Februari 2012


HOPELESS PLACE is a song of Rihanna. This song is very energic and can make our spirit on fire. but, I don't know with what I feel now. this hearth like want to be explode. I ever hear that every people need some people to live and have an interaction among them. But, I think it is just a bullshit. I think that I can stay live without any people in my surrounding. And that's right, but I feel that I'am like a zombie. I can breath, my blood can flow and suply some food to all of my cell, but I think I'm in a hopeless place now. Something dark, in the deepest side. Just me, and face so many pressure.

REmember several day ago, when I feel this feeling, it's very nice can laugh like there is nothing wrong happened. Forget every bad moment and just remember the best moment. It's not about I love you or something about special relationship. I just want tell this feeling to you. That I feel so hopeless.

I think I never be like this. I am the independent one, who can handle everything by myself. But, at last, I realize that too impossible for me to handle everything.

ya Allah, give me a strength to face all of this. Always give me the best. because I'm sure that You never lacks of ways to show Your miracle. :D

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